
Listening in Grade 3: Div. 12

In a Balanced Literacy Program, in the area of reading, students have the option to read silently by themselves, read aloud with partners or in groups. They may also listen to the book being read by someone else on a talking book.
Reading has many options!


Rogersville Community Plan

The students in Mrs. Walsh-Anstey's grade 2 class have planned and built a town called Rogersville!! The students embarked on a Project Based Learning activity where they worked on three important 21st Century Learning Skills: collaborative, communication and critical thinking.

Each student created a representation of a service and then the town planning committee came together to plan where everything would be situated.

For example, the hospital was situated near the green space and not on Main Street, because, "People in hospitals needs to sleep and it is quiet near the nature sanctuary."

The discussion that was happening around the planning session was quite remarkable.

The Rogersville community model will be on display in the main foyer very soon!


Digi-Pals Project in Grade One

Mrs. Glen's grade one class is sharing a project with a group of students in a grade one class at Strawberry Vale Elementary School. This project is called "Digi-Pals"! They did a video-conference from classroom to classroom using the LCD Projector, a laptop and Skype!
Congratulations on using such innovative technology!

Wondering why we do these things in Math

Mr. Nast's grade 5 students were working diligently in their JUMP Math workbooks in class on Reflections, Rotations and Slides. When Ms. T posed the question, "Why are you learning this information?", the responses included:

  • "Because it's in the BC Curriculum."
  • "It could happen to you where you may need to move something and you may need to know the right terms."
  • There will be lots of rotations in life and it's good to know them now."

Bring the Outside World in for a Visit

In Mrs. Shortt's Kindergarten class the students had a visitor from the outside world. They all had a good opportunity to huddle around and examine this lovely green speckled creature!
They are studying metamorphosis, from tadpoles to frogs.
The next example is caterpillars to butterflies, where all three classes will travel to Butterfly World to explore! Kindergarten is all about exploration and discovery!


Strategic Thinking

For many years at Rogers, students have been taught the fine art of playing chess. These grade three students have lessons with Mr. Churchill and then they employ what they have learned. Every year they get a little bit better.

Blanaced Literacy in Grade Three

The students in Mrs. P. Ross's class have a balanced approach to writing in their class. Mrs. Ross uses an integration of the Blended Styles and Structures Writing Program and the Cafe Approach to writing (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency & Extended Vocabulary). This group of writers is working on a series of ten creative stories. This particular co-authored story is based on their two stuffies having a variety of adventures. When the girls had finished writing their story, they shared it by reading it aloud. With the oral reading component of their literacy work, they focus on fluency. The expression exhibited by these girls as they read is very entertaining! That's a sneek peek into a grade three classroom at Rogers!


Every classroom at Rogers has unique learning going on.
This blog will be a showcase of our learning at Rogers!